• Facebook Tips: Creating A Profile Or Page

    by ProMo Cymru | 1st May 2017

    Written by Dan Grosvenor Using Facebook as an Organisation: Creating a Profile or Page Social media is the most popular way for people to access information about, and engage with,…

  • Facebook Tips – Professional Facebook Names

    by Dan | 9th Feb 2016

    Updating Your Facebook Surname   It seems that Facebook aren’t backing down on their (somewhat controversial) Real Name policy, which means those using professional pseudonyms will likely be required to…

  • Social Media Training

    by promocymru_admin | 9th Feb 2012

    Learners from voluntary and statutory youth sectors attended ProMo-Cymru’s Social Media Training Day. CWYVS kindly provided The Urdd venue in Cardiff Bay where 12 learners underwent a day going through…