Welcoming Guests From Catalonia

by Tania Russell-Owen | 20th Dec 2018

ProMo-Cymru had a wonderful end to the year by hosting a special 2-day visit for guests from the Catalonian Government from 22-24 November 2018. Four senior officials from the Catalan Youth Agency visited ProMo-Cymru and Cardiff to learn more about how we engage and communicate with young people digitally. 

ProMo-Cymru facilitated an insightful discussion and sharing session between the Catalonia delegation, Donna Lemin from the Welsh Government Youth Engagement Branch, Kelly Harris from the Welsh Youth Parliament, Keith Towler, Chair of the Interim Youth Work Board Wales and the former Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Jonathan Gunter from Ministry of Life Youth Club and Catrin James from CWVYS and Urdd Gobaith Cymru.

Catalonia visit at Senedd

Tours, Demos and Workshops

Norma Pujol Farré, Director General of Youth at Catalan Youth Agency, tweeted, “Very interesting morning with Donna Lemin of the Welsh Government and Keith Towler, Chair of Interim Youth Board in Wales. We have also been able to know different digital policy programs aimed at young people.”

The Catalonia delegation also enjoyed guided tours of the Urdd centre and the Senedd. At the ProMo-Cymru Head Office in Cardiff Bay, they learned about our TEC model, were given a tour of the building and attended demonstrations and workshops on how we run our helplines and how we use media to engage with young people, run our online media campaigns and deliver digital youth information.


Watch our video to see some what our Catalan guests got up to:

“We were delighted to welcome our esteemed guests from Catalonia and to have the opportunity to share our practices together,” says Marco. 

“We hope that they were able to learn lots from their visit to take back with them and we look forward to developing our relationship further.”

Cesc Poch Ros, Director General of the Catalan Youth Agency, tweeted, “Thank you for your hospitality, @MarcoGilCer and especially for sharing your knowledge about digital youth policies with us (and for to show us the secrets of Canton). @ProMoCymru.”


This work has been made possible because of a grant accepted from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The aim of this grant is to enhance our existing work and to develop future options for virtual youth work and information services.

About ProMo-Cymru

If you are interested in any of our services or would like to learn more about our work here at ProMo-Cymru please contact Arielle Tye on 029 2046 2222 or e-mail arielle@promo.cymru.

Further information about our TEC model available here: