by Cindy Chen | 17th Jan 2020
ProMo-Cymru is searching for organisations to help facilitate consultations with young people to improve the mental health services provided for them.
ProMo-Cymru and Hafal are coalition partners for the Youth Access project in Wales. This is a National Lottery funded project that will be delivered across the UK over five years. The aim is to improve mental health services for young people.
Youth Access has brought together 10 youth and mental health organisations across the 4 nations. The project will bring young people, professionals and policymakers together to co-design mental health and wellbeing services. The hope is that they will become more responsive to the needs of young people.
Young people will be setting the agenda for later collaboration with professionals by articulating what they believe mental health and wellbeing services should look like. The project will then empower young people to take their vision to decision makers so that they can lead change collectively.
The project aims to build on the momentum of the National Assembly’s Mind Over Matter report and recommendations (July 2018). Young people will inform, influence and bring about change.
A National Charter
During the first year, the aim is to co-produce a National Charter for Wales. This will set out the core principles and values and will form the basis of what authentic and sincere responses to young people’s mental health needs should look and feel like.
We hope that a range of organisations and services in Wales will help us promote the project and co-facilitate consultations. We want to learn about their experiences and findings.
If you’re interested in becoming involved with the project, contact Cindy Chen, ProMo-Cymru Development Manager at for further information.