The information available for young people was top-down – provided by adults, often “officials”, who were often unconnected to the real needs of young people.
With TheSprout, we took it online and then some. We created a website where young people could share their news, views, information, advice, and opinions. This peer-to-peer advice was underpinned by the youth information and organisations’ directories that could now be updated and distributed much more quickly.
We created a youth-led Sprout Editorial Group, which steered the direction of TheSprout and had a say on all sorts of content on the site.
Today, TheSprout is still an information and blogging site, but it has evolved to co-designing campaigns with young people about things that matter to them. TheSprout’s platform encourages young people to think critically, be creative, and use their voice to share things they’re passionate about, like mental health and climate change. We also pay some young creatives to help us out.
Since 2020, we have co-created seven campaigns with 11–25-year-olds in Cardiff, including:
– #YouDeserve: Healthy Relationships
– Never Give In: Mental Health and Gaming
TheSprout site has over 1400 articles and averages, 290,000 monthly visits and video views, and it also looks good! TheSprout also has a social media following of almost 9,000 across TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, attracting young people in Cardiff and professionals who wish to support them. (as of 2021).
If you’re interested in working with us to co-design and develop digital information or campaigns with people, contact