by Nathan Williams | 27th Apr 2018
ProMo-Cymru is working with young people to develop digital youth work and digital youth information in the UK.
We have been awarded funding by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to develop a best practice model in digital youth work. ProMo-Cymru will examine how to further digitally enhance traditional youth work in order to support lifelong health, learning and active citizenship. By working with other organisations and breaking down silo thinking, we believe that Wales can become a leader in digital youth work.
Our digital developments
ProMo-Cymru has been at the forefront of digital development through its work with young people. This started with the development of theSprout, an online magazine for young people in Cardiff that’s celebrating its 10th year anniversary in 2018. This development pioneered a digital approach to youth information, engagement and participation. The work then fed into our development of Meic, the helpline service for children and young people in Wales, and FamilyPoint Cymru, providing information for families in Wales.
This funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation will help us to develop digital youth work. Taking what we have learnt from our projects, and learning best practice from others, we will co-produce cutting-edge methods of digital engagement with young people and share this across sectors. We will also continue our links with the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA). This will allow us to gain further knowledge from other countries and input back into this influential European network.
Understanding the sector
ProMo-Cymru ensures that we place the voice of users and communities at the core of our work. Innovation and working digitally can help people and organisations to co-produce better services. We understand the pressures on other youth, third sector and statutory provisions. We know how services can suffer in the face of reduced budgets. However, through mutual co-operation and digital innovation, we can work to break down barriers to participation.
If you are are interested in supporting us with developing our model of digital youth work or in any aspect of how digital change impacts your work, then please get in touch on or call 02920 462222.
If you are interested in the work we do here at ProMo-Cymru then take a look at our other articles in the News section.
Everything starts with a conversation
ProMo-Cymru works towards building positive change and lasting relationships between individuals, families and communities. Providing innovative and creative solutions through meaningful conversations and digital technology. If you’d like to discuss how our TEC Model can help your organisation then get in touch.