From Cymru to Catalunya: Exploring Youth Initiatives Abroad

by ProMo Cymru | 11th Jan 2024

Three members of our team recently embarked on an exciting study visit to Catalonia with fellow representatives from the Welsh Government Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board (representing ProMo Cymru, CWVYS and Youth Cymru).

We were kindly hosted by the Agència Catalana de la Joventut (Catalan Youth Agency), and were taken on a journey throughout the region exploring their youth initiatives, exchanging best practice, and making connections.

Day 1: Barcelona

Our trip began with a warm welcome at the Agència Catalana de la Joventut in Barcelona. Rut Ribas, Directora General de Joventut, and her colleagues shared valuable insights into Catalonia’s youth policies. They covered topics such as mental health, diversity, bilingualism, and the various contextual factors influencing the region. We visited a Youth Information Point, learning about the role of their 300 plus youth information points across the region, and the 500,000 users of their youth card. The day also included a visit to Fundacio Comtal’s Second Chance School. The school focuses on education and job placement of children and young people at social risk in Ciutat Vella.

Day 2: Girona

Our visit continued in the picturesque city of Girona. We visited a youth centre of health, where the team shared their campaigns and their extensive work promoting sexual health for young people in the region. Next, we visited La Selva Youth Office. We learnt about their remarkable ‘Cap Caos al Cap’ (‘No Chaos in the Cape’) youth mental health campaign. The day concluded with a visit to a youth club in Breda. We interacted with youth workers and young people, gaining insights into their projects and even enjoying a game of Fifa!

Goal! Successful Fifa game with young people in Breda.

Day 3: Final Day

Our study visit concluded in Sant Boi de Llobregat, where we met with the youth department of the municipality and had an enriching tour and discussion about their work. We didn’t miss the chance to fit in some cultural visits too of course!

The trip was jam packed with learning, sharing and comparing approaches to youth work and engagement, and forming lasting relationships. We left with valuable knowledge that will help further our work in developing digital youth information and a youth entitlement scheme in Wales. We’ll be sharing our insights in a report soon.

Thank you to Taith for funding this enriching trip and to the Agència Catalana de la Joventut for their warm hospitality and planning to make our trip so thorough, insightful and enjoyable!

This study visit was funded by Taith.