by Nathan Williams | 4th Jul 2020
ProMo-Cymru believes that Black Lives Matter.
ProMo has worked with numerous young black people; they have helped shape our organisation. Black young people now need our help and that of all other charities and social enterprises to dismantle systemic racism.
What we do
We run national and local charitable projects that support young people, and we work with and engage BAME young people.
At ProMo, we carry out a lot of digital and design work and ensure that images we use and design are representative of the diversity of Wales. We involve young people in designing some of this digital content and ask them their opinion on our content.
We work with partner organisations who serve BAME communities and are proactively supporting them with digital solutions to strengthen their work. These organisations do vital work, but it is the responsibility of us all to examine our actions in ending racism.
We are members of Race Alliance Wales.
What we will do
Our staff are from diverse backgrounds, but we will ensure we do more to reach and support BAME people who are trying to work in charities and the creative sectors.
We will give time and space for staff members to discuss and learn how we can do more as individuals and as an organisation.
There is more that we can do and we will document our journey in examining our own actions and how we work towards dismantling racism.