Do you want to be as efficient as NASA?

by Sam Easterbrook | 6th Dec 2016

Do you want to be as efficient as NASA? As quick and responsive as Buzzfeed?

As big as Airbnb?

Then… ‘just Slack it’.

There is a multitude of apps for getting things done and communicating with groups of people. But one that stands out above all others is the collaboration platform called Slack. Hence the phrase ‘just Slack it’. NASA, Airbnb and Buzzfeed are some of the many organisations and people singing its praise and using it to do really interesting things.

Slack is a tool for working on projects with other people. That may sound very similar to email or social media platforms like Facebook or Whatsapp.

Slack somehow is better, at times far less annoying and easier to use.


If you want to work on a project with a friend or a large group then you can create ‘channels’ where you can have conversations and upload or link to any important documents or other websites. Where Slack really comes into its own is being able to look back and search through previous conversations and keep track of how the overall project is developing. If you have a new team member join, this is really useful as they can see how the conversation developed and access all the information they need in one place. This makes Slack feel really accessible and welcoming of new people.

Slack also loves emojis and whilst being fun it allows you to reduce the amount of back and for emails, it can take to convey an idea to another person. People who use Slack love it because it reduces the number of emails they send to each other and helps people achieve the perfect state know as ’email zero’.

Slack is free! There are paid plans but generally, you only need these if you are working for a large organisation. If you start your own Slack team and are looking for collaborators to join let us know and we’ll feature your group!


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