by promocymru_admin | 28th Feb 2014
Following on the success of the social media taster workshops, we will be offering 4 all-day training workshops from Tuesday 1st April to Friday 4th April at our office in Cardiff Bay.
The workshops are:
Using Social Media as a Professional (Introduction), Tues 1st April
This course is aimed at professionals who may have some knowledge of social media. We will introduce you to the key elements of using social media in a work setting. This training is aimed at organisations who are considering using social media to reach their target audience, in particular with young people.
Using Social Media as a Professional (Advanced), Weds 2nd April
This training is aimed at professionals already using social media who would like to move on to a more advanced level and explore new ideas. Through exploring new apps, tools and technologies, we aim to build upon your existing social media skills/experience and support you to use it more effectively.
Writing for the Web, Thurs 3rd April
If you write for the web, this workshop will help you achieve maximum potential in order to reach your target audience. You will learn to create content that is clear, engaging and concise, with a focus on a variety of readers including young people, peers, professionals and the media.
Digital Stories for Youth Engagement, Friday 4th April
These training sessions are aimed at professionals who would like to use videos or photography to work with young people. This hands-on course will equip professionals with digital media skills for them to effectively engage with young people. Participants will develop a basic understanding of skills and techniques and gain confidence in using these methods to engage with young people.
For costs and further details, please contact Cindy Chen at