New Meic Hours

by ProMo Cymru | 8th Apr 2016

Written by Dan Grosvenor


The revised Meic service will continue for two years (1 April 2016 to 31 March 2018). The helpline will be open 16 hours a day – reflecting the significantly reduced contact at night. The new hours are 8am – midnight.

Young people who contact Meic via phone, text or online chat outside those hours will continue to have the option of being connected directly to Samaritans, ChildLine or NHS Direct Wales.

We are also planning to enhance how we engage with young people across Wales; we’re expanding the website to include more news and articles and an Agony Aunt.

What we do

We’re pleased and proud to continue to provide advocacy, advice and information to young people in Wales every day 7 days per week for the foreseeable future by phone (080880 23456), text (84001) and Instant Message via our website.