Meic Helpline

by promocymru_admin | 12th Feb 2011

Following the success of the pilot phase, the helpline is now in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The latest phase of the project was launched by The Deputy Minister for Children, Huw Lewis AM, at the Millennium Stadium on 26 January. At this historic event, local schoolchildren and Mr Lewis were joined by bushcraft expert Andrew Price. Of the service, Mr Price said:

“It’s vital that young people know that there is someone available for them to talk to about any issue or problem whenever they need it. Thanks to Meic, children and young people in Wales now have access to the right help and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Meic is the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for children and young people in Wales.

Children and young people up to 25 can call the freephone number (including mobiles and it won’t show up on their bill) on 080880 23456, or send an SMS message (again, completely free and anonymous) to 84001. They can visit the website at where there is an instant messaging option so they can contact us via webchat.

The official Welsh Assembly Government video of the launch can be viewed here.